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(New Orleans, LA – July 22, 2024) -澳门赌场网址大全公司现在是iManage的实施合作伙伴, the leading document management software platform trusted by law firms, 金融服务行业和其他处理大量信息的组织. This partnership allows Bellwether to offer seamless, 端到端解决方案改变了组织管理和保护其重要文档的方式. With Bellwether’s expertise and iManage’s advanced technology, 客户从购买到实施都能获得精简的文档管理体验. The Necessity of Document Management Systems Modern businesses, especially law firms, financial services, and healthcare organizations, generate and manage huge amounts […]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation is a New Orleans Top Workplace 2019 – 2024 

(New Orleans, Louisiana, June 23, 2024年,Bellwether Technology Corporation连续第六年被The Times-Picayune和The New Orleans Advocate评为最佳工作场所. 该奖项完全由第三方调查收集的员工反馈决定,该调查评估了员工体验的关键要素, including feelings of respect and support, opportunities for growth, and empowerment in their roles. “被评为最佳工作场所是一项重大成就,因为它直接来自我们员工的声音,” said Steven Ellis, CEO of Bellwether. “We strive to be a place where talented professionals want to […]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation入选CRN的2024年管理服务提供商500强名单

(New Orleans, April 2, 2024) – Bellwether Technology Corporation, a leading provider of managed IT services, announced that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, 已将该公司列入其管理服务提供商(MSP) 500强(2024年先锋250类)名单. 这是比特币连续第11年入选这一久负盛名的榜单. MSP 500榜单每年评选一次,旨在表彰成功交付IT解决方案的管理IT服务提供商,这些解决方案帮助客户改善运营并推动整体增长. Bellwether已经建立了一个商业模式,专注于提供全面的管理[…]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation Recognized on the 2024 Tech Elite 250 List

Bellwether Technology Corporation Recognized on the 2024 Tech Elite 250 List

(New Orleans, LA – March 18th, 2024年,澳门网赌大全网址科技公司入选CRN公布的2024年250家科技精英公司名单, a brand of The Channel Company. This annual list highlights solution providers across the U.S. and Canada who excel in delivering cutting-edge IT solutions, 在基础设施领域领先的技术供应商的顶级认证和专业知识中脱颖而出, cloud, and security domains. At Bellwether, 获得的公司和个人认证代表了团队的知识深度, skill and commitment to staying up to date with the latest technology advancements. While the certifications are an important acknowledgement of our […]

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Leadership Transition Announced at Bellwether Technology Corporation

Poco Sloss, Steven Ellis, Merrick Sloss

(New Orleans, LA – November 30, 2023)澳门网赌大全网址科技公司宣布其领导团队的变动. While this transition comes with new titles for these three individuals, 它反映了一段时间以来角色和责任的自然发展. Bellwether的联合创始人Poco Sloss已经从CEO转任董事会主席. In this capacity, Poco continues to provide guidance for the company’s overall goals, long-term vision, and major decisions. Steven Ellis, formerly the company’s President, is now CEO. 在这个职位上,Steven继续领导和管理Bellwether的执行团队,以及推动[…]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation is a New Orleans Top Workplace 2019-2023

Bellwether Technology Corporation is a New Orleans Top Workplace 2019 - 2023

(June 26, 2023 – New Orleans, LA) – For the fifth year in a row, Bellwether Technology Corporation, a managed IT services company, has been named a Top Workplace in New Orleans. 这一荣誉要归功于贝尔韦瑟的员工,他们通过一项保密调查提供了他们对工作经历的反馈. 该调查收集了员工对公司文化和敬业度的感受,并将其与一个数据库中的基准进行了比较,该数据库包括来自70多个国家的2700多万份调查,000 organizations over the course of 16 years. “Ultimately, it’s our employees who are responsible for the […]

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New Office Equipped for Collaboration and Comfort

位于新奥尔良上城区的卢尔德圣母教堂(Our Lady of Lourdes Church)的前教区建筑似乎不太适合一家以科技为核心的公司. 今年4月,我们将这座历史建筑作为公司总部,有意将当地历史与尖端技术形成鲜明对比. 自从2005年卡特里娜飓风吹过之后,这座建筑就一直空置着,但它的结构很好,很有趣. As we were scouting out the best location for our new office, 有趣和不同于传统的工作空间是很重要的,因为我们不仅仅想要[…]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation is a Top 500 MSP

(February 24, 2023 – New Orleans, 洛杉矶)CRN顶级MSP 500名单已经公布,澳门网赌大全网址科技公司在先锋250类别中占有一席之地. 这是Bellwether连续第10年被这个IT行业组织认可为领先的管理服务提供商(MSP). To be on this directory, 公司必须在向中小企业市场交付托管IT服务方面处于领先地位. 这些公司正在通过前瞻性的管理服务方法推动新一波的增长和创新, helping end users increase efficiency and maximizing clients’ return […]

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(December 5, 2022 – New Orleans, LA) Corey Crossman, Security Operations Center Manager at Bellwether Technology Corporation, is now a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). 获得此认证不仅验证了Corey在澳门赌场网址大全策略方面的知识深度,而且证明了他在创建和实施有效澳门赌场网址大全战略方面领导团队的能力. 成为CISSP的标准包括在严格的认证考试中取得成功的分数, plus work experience in the cybersecurity field, 并承诺遵守认证机构(ISC)制定的道德准则. “Although I’ve been working in […]

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Online Portal Facilitates Communications for Bellwether Clients

Online Portal Facilitates Communications for Bellwether Clients

What technology issues are our employees having? Are they getting the help they need? What’s coming up next on our IT roadmap? 这些都是我们每个客户公司的主要联系人可以在我们的在线通信门户网站中快速回答的问题的示例. Individual users can also get information that’s pertinent to them, 无论是支持请求的状态,还是经理分配给他们的新培训项目. The portal can even make client operations more efficient. 例如,在招聘新员工的时候,对硬件的要求[…]

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